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jsRazor – New Way of Rendering Json That Is Pure Genius May 9, 2013

Posted by ActiveEngine Sensei in ActiveEngine, Ajax, jQuery, JSON.Net, KnockoutJS, Open Source, Problem Solving.
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DClick this link immediately, and you’ll see wonderful things! Sensei has said many times that simple is better, and rgubarenko of MakeItSoft has a brand spanking new template engine that is so simple it makes you speechless.  His premise:  every possible rendering task can be accomplished as a random combination of two functional primitives:

repeat – repeats fragment of HTML code for each object in array
toggle – shows or hides fragment of HTML depending on boolean flag

Here is an example taken from the github site.  To get the output display below:

jsRazor Example Output

from a Json data set that looks like this:

var data_Themes = [ { name: "Dreaming Theme", colors: ["#2A1910", "#9E7064", "#B0967C", "#E7435E", "#6D4F3F"] },

{ name: "Moth Theme", colors: ["#30382D", "#565539", "#78765F", "#403F2B"] },

{ name: "5 Dark Theme", colors: ["#000000", "#280705", "#2E0500", "#3B0000", "#3C1100"] },

{ name: "Blue Volcano Theme", colors: ["#5077FF", "#8A84FF", "#81C1FF"] } ];

You will have a template that looks like this:

<pre><div id="example">
      <div class="name">{name} ({CountColors} colors)</div>
      <div class="wrap">
        <div class="color" style="background-color:{item};">
          <span style="color:white">{item}</span>
          <span style="color:black">{item}</span>
        <div class="rgb">({R},{G},{B})</div>

The controller that creates the final result is as follows:

<pre>// get initial template
var tmp = document.getElementById("example").innerHTML; 
// repeat theme objects (pass array of themes to repeat functional)
tmp = $.jsrazor.repeat(tmp, "themes", data_Themes, function (tmp, idx, item)
  // repeat inner color objects (pass array of colors of the current theme item)
  tmp = $.jsrazor.repeat(tmp, "colors", item.colors, function (tmp, idx, item)
    // use toggle to show dark or light color text (to be contrast with background)
    tmp = $.jsrazor.toggle(tmp, "dark", hex2rgb(item).mid <= 128);
    tmp = $.jsrazor.toggle(tmp, "light", hex2rgb(item).mid > 128);
    // output RGB representation of the color as custom value
    tmp = tmp
      .replace("{R}", hex2rgb(item).r)  // red
      .replace("{G}", hex2rgb(item).g)  // green
      .replace("{B}", hex2rgb(item).b); // blue
    // return processed template for current INNER item
    return tmp;
  // color counter is not a part of JSON, so we output it as custom value
  tmp = tmp.replace("{CountColors}", item.colors.length);
  // return processed template for current item
  return tmp;
// put processed output back
document.getElementById("example").innerHTML = tmp;</pre>

This looks very promising.  In fact, this could be a very cool way of writing reports in jQuery!  Think about it – with a tool like jLinq for filtering data sets and jsRazor, you could replace SQL Server Reports.

NuGet Causes Needless Headaches With RavenDB, RestSharp and Json.Net September 25, 2012

Posted by ActiveEngine Sensei in .Net, ActiveEngine, Mythology, Open Source, Problem Solving.
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Just because something is shiny and promises riches doesn’t mean you should put it in your pocketses.  NuGet, while good for getting an assembly for quick and dirty research and development, is a tour to the valley of frustration when you need to focus and deploy a solution with many dependencies.

NuGet has a pretty dialog box so you think you can just “wire up” and go, but this is an illusion my precious.  Sometimes it doesn’t update the Hint path.  Sometimes it forces you to install packages in certain order, as with SignalR, RestSharp and RavenDB.

Think about it – NuGet pulls down files, creates directories and then references to all the paths that were just created.  We can’t do that ourselves by pulling a directory, the adding the reference to old fashioned way, meaning the way that leaves you feeling more in control, not requiring you to spend hours hunting references in package.config files in different folders?  The main premise is to eliminate this practice, right?  What is going to happen when you introduce AppHarbor into the mix where you won’t be able to look and the production server to divine what assemblies are indeed deployed!

What Works Versus What Makes You Feel Cool

Sensei wants to direct you to a solution where a developer needed to use two versions of Json.Net with RavenDB.  His solution:  add dependentAssembly tag to the web.config, upload the file to a sub directory of the bin folder, and move on.

Ok, so it’s not cool, but the job is done.  And that should be the whole point.  Why use tools that put us in this mess in the first place?  Unfortunately NuGet is becoming the primary way to get assemblies.  The road may go ever on but projects have a deadline!!  Poor Smeagul.