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jsRazor – New Way of Rendering Json That Is Pure Genius May 9, 2013

Posted by ActiveEngine Sensei in ActiveEngine, Ajax, jQuery, JSON.Net, KnockoutJS, Open Source, Problem Solving.
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DClick this link immediately, and you’ll see wonderful things! Sensei has said many times that simple is better, and rgubarenko of MakeItSoft has a brand spanking new template engine that is so simple it makes you speechless.  His premise:  every possible rendering task can be accomplished as a random combination of two functional primitives:

repeat – repeats fragment of HTML code for each object in array
toggle – shows or hides fragment of HTML depending on boolean flag

Here is an example taken from the github site.  To get the output display below:

jsRazor Example Output

from a Json data set that looks like this:

var data_Themes = [ { name: "Dreaming Theme", colors: ["#2A1910", "#9E7064", "#B0967C", "#E7435E", "#6D4F3F"] },

{ name: "Moth Theme", colors: ["#30382D", "#565539", "#78765F", "#403F2B"] },

{ name: "5 Dark Theme", colors: ["#000000", "#280705", "#2E0500", "#3B0000", "#3C1100"] },

{ name: "Blue Volcano Theme", colors: ["#5077FF", "#8A84FF", "#81C1FF"] } ];

You will have a template that looks like this:

<pre><div id="example">
      <div class="name">{name} ({CountColors} colors)</div>
      <div class="wrap">
        <div class="color" style="background-color:{item};">
          <span style="color:white">{item}</span>
          <span style="color:black">{item}</span>
        <div class="rgb">({R},{G},{B})</div>

The controller that creates the final result is as follows:

<pre>// get initial template
var tmp = document.getElementById("example").innerHTML; 
// repeat theme objects (pass array of themes to repeat functional)
tmp = $.jsrazor.repeat(tmp, "themes", data_Themes, function (tmp, idx, item)
  // repeat inner color objects (pass array of colors of the current theme item)
  tmp = $.jsrazor.repeat(tmp, "colors", item.colors, function (tmp, idx, item)
    // use toggle to show dark or light color text (to be contrast with background)
    tmp = $.jsrazor.toggle(tmp, "dark", hex2rgb(item).mid <= 128);
    tmp = $.jsrazor.toggle(tmp, "light", hex2rgb(item).mid > 128);
    // output RGB representation of the color as custom value
    tmp = tmp
      .replace("{R}", hex2rgb(item).r)  // red
      .replace("{G}", hex2rgb(item).g)  // green
      .replace("{B}", hex2rgb(item).b); // blue
    // return processed template for current INNER item
    return tmp;
  // color counter is not a part of JSON, so we output it as custom value
  tmp = tmp.replace("{CountColors}", item.colors.length);
  // return processed template for current item
  return tmp;
// put processed output back
document.getElementById("example").innerHTML = tmp;</pre>

This looks very promising.  In fact, this could be a very cool way of writing reports in jQuery!  Think about it – with a tool like jLinq for filtering data sets and jsRazor, you could replace SQL Server Reports.